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Project Overview

The City of Morro Bay is developing a local drinking water supply, which will be capable of reducing the City’s reliance on imported water from the State Water Project. The City’s Our Water Program includes the recently constructed Water Resources Center and pipelines and will include the infrastructure to use purified water for groundwater recharge to replenish the Lower Morro groundwater basin. This groundwater recharge infrastructure will create a new, reliable, and drought resistant water supply for the City. The new facility uses a proven, multi-step advanced purification process for water to be safely recharged into the groundwater aquifer until it is ready for extraction and drinking water use.

Community Improvement

Tour the Water Resource Center in M.B.

The City of Morro Bay invites the public to celebrate the completion of the Water…
Community Improvement
Morro Bay to offer behind-the-scenes tour of new Water Resources Center
Community Improvement
Morro Bay offers behind-the-scenes tour of new Water Resources Center